Luke 4:1-13 | Disciples use Scripture to overcome temptation |
Luke 5:1-10 | Disciples leave everything to follow Jesus |
John 4:28-30 | Disciples introduce others to Jesus
Acts 17: 16-34 | Disciples are wise and sincere when they relate with unbelievers |
Acts 4:23-31 | Believers will be persecuted just as Jesus was persecuted |
Acts 21:1-14 | Disciples shouldn’t be afraid to die as Jesus did
Acts 18:1-11 | God helps disciples endure persecution |
Luke 15:11-32 | Disciples reconcile broken relationships |
Mark 7:14-23 | Evil begins in the heart and eventually leads to action |
Matthew 19:1-12 | Marriage is a lifetime commitment |
Acts 5:1-11 | Disciples keep their word |
1 Samuel 24 | Disciples do not retaliate when people hurt them |
Matthew 5:43-48 | Disciples love their enemies |
Luke 18:9-14 | Disciples humble themselves before God |
Luke 15:11-24 | Disciples look to God as their Father |
Matthew 26:39-42 | Disciples must surrender their will to God’s will |
Matthew 18:21-35 | Disciples forgive others as the Lord forgives them |
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