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Study guide

Use this guide as you meet to study the Bible


1. Talk

To begin the study, each person answers these questions:

  • What are you thankful for?
  • What is causing you stress?
  • Who needs our help? How can this group help them?

2. Look Back (session 2+)

  • Retell story from the previous meeting.
  • What did you do differently because of this story?
  • Who did you tell and what was the reaction?

3. Read & Re-tell

  • One person reads the Bible passage out loud, and the rest follow along.
  • Someone else retells the passage by memory, if possible. Others can fill in what is missing.

4. Look

  • Read the passage again.
  • Discuss what this passage says about God, Jesus or his plan.

5. Look again

  • Read the passage once more
  • Discuss what this passage says about humans.

6. Inside me

  • According to this study, what am I doing well?
  • What do I need to change?

7. Who else?

  • Who needs to hear this story?
  • How can I tell them?
  • Who can I invite to study the Bible?

Suggested Bible passages

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  1. God Creates – Genesis 1:1-25
  2. God Creates Man and Woman – Genesis 2:4-24
  3. Man and Woman Eat the Fruit – Genesis 3:1-13
  4. God’s Curses – Genesis 3:14-24
  5. God Regrets His Creation – Genesis 6:5-8
  6. God Saves Noah and His Family – Genesis 6:9-22, 7:1-24, 8:1-14
  7. God’s Covenant with Noah – Genesis 8:15-22, 9:1-17
  8. God’s Covenant with Abram – Genesis 12:1-8, 15:1-6, 17:1-7
  9. Abraham Gives His Son as an Offering – Genesis 22:1-19
  10. God Spares His People – Exodus 12:1-28
  11. The Commands of God – Exodus 20:1-21
  12. The Sin Offering – Leviticus 4:1-35
  13. God’s Righteous Servant – Isaiah 53
  14. Jesus is Born – Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20
  15. Jesus is Baptized – Matthew 3; John 1:29-34
  16. Jesus is Tested –  Matthew 4:1-11
  17. Jesus and the Religious Leader – John 3:1-21
  18. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman – John 4:1-26, 4:39-42
  19. Jesus and the Paralyzed Man – Luke 5:17-26
  20. Jesus Calms the Storm – Mark 4:35-41
  21. Jesus and the Man with Evil Spirits – Mark 5:1-20
  22. Jesus Raises a Man from the Dead – John 11:1-44
  23. Jesus Talks about His Betrayal and the Covenant – Matthew 26:17-30
  24. Jesus is Betrayed and Faces Trial – John 18:1-40, 19:1-16
  25. Jesus is Crucified – Luke 23:32-56
  26. Jesus is Resurrected – Luke 24:1-35
  27. Jesus Appears to the Disciples and Ascends to Heaven – Luke 24:36-53
  28. Enter into the Kingdom God – John 3:1-21